Shutong Liu – UX Designer

Joined 2021

Why did you join Canon Production Printing?

I originally started working as an external consultant, in March 2021. But I wanted to be part of the company, and take a deep dive into one particular field. I could see right away that people at Canon Production Printing have plenty of freedom in projects, and can develop their careers, also through international assignments. So when the opportunity came up to join the company, I took it!

So you joined in March 2021, when most people were working from home. What did the company do to settle you in?

I have a really great mentor, a senior designer. We met up in the office once per week, and he showed me around, told me who to contact if I have questions – anything from getting my laptop set up to questions about projects – and gave me an in-depth introduction to the entire software and hardware portfolio. This has really made a huge difference.

Can you describe the company culture in three words?

Human: people are so friendly and approachable, and go out of their way to help you. Many employees have been with the company for years, which shows that Canon Production Printing really knows how to keep people.
Flexibility: it’s always possible to take assignments in different fields. It’s good that there are opportunities to grow and expand your horizons.
For the third word, I’d say innovative: the company also engages with general industry challenges, like where is the print industry heading in a digital age, and is working on solutions in growth areas to sustain business. There are directions I’ve never thought of, like the packaging market.

What’s the best thing about working for Canon Production Printing?

The coffee! Seriously, it’s very good coffee. But what I mean is the informal chat sessions next to the coffee machine. When we come out of a meeting, we can grab a coffee, and have a ten-minute chat, or take a look at the Experience Plaza, a showroom of our print applications which is next to the coffee machine. I still consider myself very new in the company, and gain useful insights into printing from these brief talks. So for me coffee is also an educational moment and a Q&A session!